
My Bridal Pix Blog

should I hire a wedding planner

Should You Hire a Wedding Planner or Do It Yourself?

Your one-and-only popped the question and you said "Yes!" You might have already said yes to a certain dress, but there's still one thing you might be wondering about nodding your head to - a wedding planner. Should you hire…

Wedding Photography Contract – Why You Need One

Photo by Angelo Lacancellera on Unsplash One of the most important things to do when you’re interviewing wedding photographers, or after you’ve chosen a photographer, is to carefully read the wedding photography contract. A written agreement between you and the…

Wedding Budget: 6 Tips to Stay on Track

A wedding budget is something every engaged couple needs to consider. Even if you have a large budget to work with, expenses can get out of hand real quick if you are both not on the same page! Creating a…

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